Continue Playing Devins Story or Colts Story


Last but not least, we have Longshot: Homecoming, this year's story mode. I thought this mode was vastly inferior to Madden 18's Longshot mode. The story is rather weak with horrific voice acting on the cameos, and although the bigger focus on gameplay is welcomed, they sacrifice pacing and many other features (Choices, IQ etc.) Devin's sections literally consist of games or practise, no story. Colt's story is ok, but there are plot holes and the games are too easy. Nevertheless, this is SIGNIFICANTLY easier to get all the achievements on, and everything can be done in one fluid play through, so for achievement hunters it is much less stressful this year. If you've made it here, the 1000G is more or less yours skill-wise.

Out of the achievements, 12 are completely unmissable as long as you never "skip" a section and just keep retrying (only 1 skippable instance early on). The other 2 relate to getting an 80.0 grade with each character. This year there are no QTE's, and no steer the ball moments.

For Colt, getting an 80.0 grade is very easy. His games are easy, and I won them all first time without a single fail. I finished with a 95.0 grade (we need 80.0). You do lose 4-5 grade points if you do "fail" (equalling not scoring a touchdown on offense or preventing a touchdown on defense), but that penalty is only incurred once a game. So if you incur your fail penalty, and you fail another 3 times, you won't get penalised further. As long as you don't occur a fail penalty in more than 2-3 of your games, you'll be ok.

Make sure you are no lower than 60.0 going into the final game as Colt. I went in at 75.0, and got 20 for winning it perfectly, pushing me to 95.0 If you want to be extra safe, just quit out before the end of that game and you'll just restart it.

For Devin, getting the 80.0 is a bit tighter (but still easier than Madden 18). The same fail conditions apply, and I only failed the "finale" section (incurring the game penalty) and did everything else perfect, and got 86.0 (we need 80.0). The games are quite a bit tougher too, so this leaves less room for error. I recommend that every game pre-finale you try and do as perfect as possible. If you get the fail penalty, just quit and retry.

Make sure you are no lower than 65.0 going into the final game. I went in at 71.0, got my fail penalty of 5 points and ended with an 86.0 grade. You can still get an 80.0 grade entering at 60.0, but getting 20 for a perfect win (i.e. never failing this game) is quite hard.

Final note: Please, please do not ever have 2 accounts signed in. During my trial, I had my backup signed in by accident and for whatever reason "Step Up" didn't unlock, so I had to spend another 2-3 hours going through just to get this one "unmissable" achievement. I had no issue with the others, and for the others I always had just my main account signed in.


This won't be anywhere nearly as detailed as last year, as there are no choices (except for one at the very end) and the game is basically cut-scene to gameplay to cut-scene etc. I will purely go through the gameplay encounters (there will be a bunch of cut-scenes between these)

I'll quickly repeat this if you skimmed through the introduction; if you "fail" (i.e. don't score a touchdown) the game will ask you to "Please Try Again". You will get a penalty of 4-5 points just once, if you fail multiple times you won't get any more grade reductions.

As Colt, you can do this twice maximum. To make finale easier for Devin, I do recommend that you do everything perfectly as Devin all the way to the finale. If you fail, quit to Longshot menu and retry. It only takes a few minutes to retry, so better to be safe than sorry right?

Devin: Encounter 1 – Practise

After the opening cutscene and title screens, you'll control Devin Wade at a practise section. From there, you'll be given various passing plays. Just get to the end-zone with a TD. I don't think this section impacts your grade, but at this point I'll state that if you fail any passage of play as Wade (i.e. don't score a touchdown), just quit out to the Longshot menu and reload. Reloading takes around 30 seconds, and will make the finale a breeze. There are only 2-3 tricky-ish sections as Wade.

Devin: Encounter 2 – Practise

After this, you'll be at night practise. This section, you'll be taught different passing techniques etc. You can't fail this, and your grade will never be negatively impacted. Just go through it until you complete this tutorial section.

Devin: Encounter 3 – Practise

After this, you'll be at full practise once again. This is the first section that you have any likely chance of "failing". This is split into two parts. Firstly, just score a touchdown. This is quite easy, just look for short passes at slant routes if you're new to the game and struggle throwing downfield. The second part puts Devin in a 3rd and 12 section. I passed this first time by passing to Flowers, he's fast and will probably get open. This is one of the few (if only sections) that will move on regardless of whether you pass or fail, I'm not sure if this impact your grade. To be safe, quit out and retry from the start of this section if you do fail.

Devin: Encounter 4 – Preseason Week 1 vs. Carolina Panthers

Finally, we'll be getting some game-time (well, pre-season game time) against the Panthers. We only have 1 drive to worry about. Score a touchdown, and you'll get a grade boost.

Colt: Encounter 1 – Flashback States 3A Championship Game

Generally, Colt's encounters are significantly easier than Devin's. In the first instance, just score a touchdown AS COLT. You'll controlling the whole team here, and Colt is by far the best WR anyway, but be certain that Colt catches the TD pass. After this, you'll be tasked with returning a punt for a TD. This is pretty easy (I got it first time), just pick a side and follow your blockers . If you do fail a few times, you don't incur a penalty anyway. Just be sure NOT to skip this sequence, as you will miss "Return to Sender". Return the punt for a TD to (FINALLY) unlock our first achievement

  • Return to Sender

    Return the punt for a touchdown in the State Championship high school game.

    Return to Sender

We're not done, though. We'll have to score a touchdown, and again it must be AS COLT. You're a bit further back this time, but otherwise it's identical to the first drive. Score, win the game and you'll unlock our 2nd achievement in quick succession.

  • Living in the Past

    Finish the Flashback game.

    Living in the Past

Devin: Encounter 5 – Preseason Week 2 vs. Pittsburgh Steelers

Exactly the same here as encounter 4, 1 drive, 1 TD. Get there by any means, and quit and restart if you fail.

Devin: Encounter 6 – Practise

This is more or less identical to the very first encounter as Devin. Score on your first drive, and for your second you'll learn how to "audible" (changing the play with X), unlocking:

  • Audibilizing

    Learn to Audible.


Score again here. If you fail either/or section, be sure to quit and reload.

Colt: Encounter 2 – 7 on 7

You'll be playing some 7 on 7 here. It doesn't massively matter whether you win or lose, this is technically the only section I "failed" but I didn't get a grade penalty here, it just rewarded my 5 points (might be possible I could have got 100.0 with a win, but it really doesn't matter). Just finish this section (3 drives), and unlock

  • 7 on 7

    Finish the 7 on 7 game.

    7 on 7

Devin: Encounter 7 – Preseason Week 4 vs. Houston Texans

Final game of the pre-season! We're given a better shot this time, and will be asked to complete 4 drives (only 3 full drives, the last is a single player). This is probably the hardest meaningful encounter of the game, we do really need to do this perfectly. It's still not very hard, but is a significant jump in difficulty to do it perfectly. This may take you 1, 2, 5 or 10+ goes. Be sure to target Flavors (your best WR) whenever possible, and you should be fine. Again, slant and routes that generally cross over are easier for beginners, I always tend to stay away from straight routes as you have to throw a really good pass to complete them. After 3 TD drives, you'll just need to pass to Flavors for a TD. Don't let him get much closer than the 5 yard line before releasing it, or you'll probably fail. Complete this section to unlock

  • It's only the Preseason

    Finish the Preseason Week Four Game.

    It's only the Preseason

Devin: Encounter 8 – Practise

Practise. You know the drill, score on the drive, and quit out/reload if you fail.

Colt: Encounter 3 – Practise

Like Devin's 2nd Encounter, you cannot fail this no matter how good/bad you are. You will never get a grade reduction, as this is a WR tutorial.

Colt: Encounter 4 – Regular Season vs. New York Jets

Return the punt (doesn't matter how well or poorly you do). You'll now control Colt at WR (I don't like being player locked to WR, personally, but we don't have to get used to it…). Follow your route, and call a pass with A whenever you're open. 9/10 you'll get it thrown to you. I don't think you have to score, but I did to be safe. If you do experience a grade reduction, quit out and restart, if not then don't worry about it. After this section, you'll unlock the following (which makes no sense…because you ARE the Dolphins?)

  • Face the Dolphins

    Finish the game against the Dolphins.

    Face the Dolphins

Colt: Encounter 5 – Mathis Bullfrogs vs. Bloomington Brush Hogs

This section with Colt as the HS coach, and the cut scenes surrounding it was the only real part of the story I enjoyed narrative-wise. Can I just say, though, they are being awfully harsh on Colt, and Hank was really guilt-trippy…he's literally been working on being an NFL player his entire life…

Anyway, our first of three consecutive games is against the Bloomington Brush Hogs. This is very easy, as De Guin is actually a very decent. Score on two consecutive drives for a TD, and you'll unlock…

  • Beat The Brush Hogs

    Beat the Bloomington Brush Hogs.

    Beat The Brush Hogs

    Offline Game Mode Single Player

Colt: Encounter 6 – Mathis Bullfrogs vs. Skidmore Skeeters

This section is more or less identical in method and difficulty to the last. Score TD's on 2 drives, and you'll unlock

  • Beat the Skeeters

    Beat the Skidmore Skeeters.

    Beat the Skeeters

Colt: Encounter 7 – Mathis Bullfrogs vs. Rancho Banquete Rattles

This section is again very similar. The only difference this time is that we'll be doing 1 offensive drive and 1 defensive drive. If your grade is 60.0 or higher at this point (should be 70.0 - 75.0 if you've been following carefully), you will be fine to fail the finale as many times as you like.

  • Beat the Rattlers

    Beat the Rancho Banquete Rattlers.

    Beat the Rattlers

Devin: Encounter 9 – Regular Season vs. Dallas Cowboys

This actually isn't too bad, I found the preseason game against the Texans (as…the Cowboys…) harder. U PDATE 25/01/20 - For this, you need to ensure you don't make any mistakes on the first 2 drives, and score a TD on your 3rd (Credit: 'AL1'). I recommend targeting Antonio Brown, he's a beast and will often catch passes in traffic and burn out defenders. Please remember, as it's been a while, that you should quit out if you fail a drive. This is the last time we'll have to do this! If your grade is 65.0 or higher at this point (which you should be if you've been following this guide and my advice, as I was 71.0), you will be fine to fail the finale as many times as you like.

  • Step Up

    Finish the Week 10 Game.

    Step Up

    Offline Game Mode Single Player Main Storyline

Colt: Encounter 8 – Mathis Bullfrogs vs. Rancho Banquete Rattles

Colt's finale. You can fail this one as much as you like if you're grade is as listed above. If it's 60 – 64 (which it really, really shouldn't if you've been paying attention) then you will need to win this perfectly. Complete all 5 drives to win and unlock.

  • Beat the Bearcats

    Beat the Beeville Bearcats.

    Beat the Bearcats


Before the final encounter, you'll be interviewed, and asked whether you want to emulate Tom Brady, Cam Newton or Deshaun Watson. This is the only choice in the entire story mode. I thought this was arbitrary, and just picked Tom Brady. However, there are differences. Don't pick Watson, he's the "middle of the park" option. If you're a good passer and bad scrambler (running as the QB), pick Tom Brady. If you're a good scrambler and bad passer, pick Cam Newton.

Devin: Encounter 10 – Regular Season vs. Dallas Cowboys

The true finale, and EASILY the hardest game. However, worry not as if you've been following along to my quit out if you fail advice, you should be between 65 – 71 (probably 71). If this is the case, you can fail and retry this finale as much as you like and still get 80 – 86. If you are 60…good luck. I spent an hour trying to do this perfectly before I knew the point requirements, and couldn't. I gave up, and then realised it was all for nothing as you get 15 grade points anyway! The first couple of drives you can scramble, but by the third you really need to be pinpoint accurate. You will also get blitzed very often. Again, stick with Antonio Brown and throw away if you must. Once you unlock this, you'll unlock.

  • All the Marbles

    Finish the Week 12 game.

    All the Marbles

That's it! Watch the final cutscenes, and you should unlock the following in the credits

  • Colt's Grade

    Finish the story with a grade of 80 or higher in Randy's fansite for Devin.

    Colt's Grade
  • Devin's Grade

    Finish the story with a grade of 80 or higher in Randy's fansite for Colt.

    Devin's Grade

If you've followed page-to-page, you will now have your 1000G! Congrats! If not, just jump in and out of the sections you need help with, and feel free to inbox me if you need any further help. Good hunting, guys!


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